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Your Ripple™ Provided Glucose Monitoring Device Makes It Easy to Track Glucose Levels

If you live with diabetes, you probably already know how important it is to monitor your blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels. You may be tracking your glucose levels with a “finger prick” glucometer. You can also get your glucose levels checked during your 3-month lab exams, when your doctor does the Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test.


This is a great start to becoming more aware of your blood glucose levels and living a healthy life with diabetes. Unfortunately, it’s often not enough to get a complete picture of how, when, and why your blood sugar levels fluctuate.


The glucose monitoring device that’s provided to you by Ripple™ ensures that you never miss a blood sugar spike and makes it easier to pinpoint what’s triggering spikes.

What are blood glucose spikes, and why should I care?

Blood glucose spikes, or blood sugar spikes, are a common part of life with diabetes. You may have experienced them before.


Some of the signs and symptoms of a blood sugar spike include:

  • Frequent urination

  • Being very thirsty

  • Blurred vision

  • Headache


But it’s important to know that often, people don’t have any symptoms with a blood sugar spike until their blood glucose levels rise to very high levels. That’s why it’s so important to consistently monitor levels instead of just relying on symptoms.

What causes a blood glucose spike?

Blood glucose spikes happen when you have a build-up of glucose, a simple sugar, in your bloodstream. These spikes can happen to anyone — for example, someone who eats a lot of carbohydrates could get a blood sugar spike.


For people with diabetes, these spikes happen because your body isn’t able to properly process glucose. Glucose needs a hormone called insulin to be able to enter your cells. Diabetes causes your body not to produce enough insulin (or be resistant to insulin). That means that glucose can’t properly be processed into the cells, and ends up floating around your bloodstream.


When that glucose in your bloodstream builds up, you experience a blood sugar spike.

Why are blood glucose spikes dangerous?

Chronically high blood sugar or persistent blood glucose spikes are dangerous, and can even be deadly.


Some of the biggest risks of blood glucose spikes are:

  • Heart disease

  • Kidney failure

  • Blindness

  • Poor circulation, which can lead to damage and amputation of the feet

  • Nerve damage

  • Skin infections


When people with diabetes get a blood glucose spike, they can also develop ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis causes blood to become too acidic. It develops rapidly and is life-threatening.


This is why it’s so critical to monitor your blood glucose levels. You need to know when you’re having a spike so that you can manage them and prevent them from getting worse.

How can I check my blood glucose levels?

The good news is that blood sugar spikes can be monitored and managed. When you know when and why you get these spikes, you can make meaningful changes in your life to prevent them.


3 of the main ways that people with diabetes measure their blood glucose levels include:

Glucometer (finger-prick test)

HbA1c Testing

Glucose Monitoring Device

(like the Ripple™ provided monitoring device)

Finger-prick Glucometer


Many people use a “finger prick” style glucometer to measure their blood sugar levels every day. This measurement needs to be taken several times a day to get a fair sense of how your blood glucose levels fluctuate. You will need to log each result to show them to your doctor. This log will help you and your doctor work together to come up with a diabetes management plan. You could miss spikes with finger-prick readings, since your blood glucose is not monitored continuously. If you’re not experiencing a spike during the moment you take a measurement, then the results might not reflect any spikes.

HbA1c testing


The hemoglobin A1c test, or the HbA1c, is a great tool for measuring your average blood glucose levels over the past 2 to 3 months. This test is usually given to you during your 3-month labs. The HbA1c test is important, and is a great way to get a good sense of your average blood glucose levels over time.


Although this is an important lab test, it doesn’t give you any information about when, why, and how often you experience blood glucose spikes in your everyday life. Without having this information, it’s difficult to know what lifestyle changes you need to make to better manage your diabetes.

Ripple™ provided Continuous Glucose Monitoring


This is where your Ripple-provided glucose monitoring device comes in.


Unlike a finger-prick glucometer, your Ripple™ provided glucose monitoring system reads your blood glucose levels every few minutes — all day and night. This makes it easy to check your blood glucose levels with one glance, at any moment in time.


All you need to do to read your glucose levels with this system is to quickly scan your phone over your monitoring device. One second is all you need to see your current glucose levels, plus trends over the past 8 hours.


Your glucose monitoring device can let you know if your levels are healthy, and whether they’ve been going up, down, or have been stable over the past 8 hours. You can also review your blood glucose trends over weeks or months.


This allows you to have the most complete information about your blood glucose levels, and the factors leading to spikes. When you’re empowered with this information, you’re more likely to build healthy habits and make positive changes in your life.

Ripple™ provided GMD*
2 to 3 times a day
Every 3 months
(every minute)
Doctor administers
Automatic and self scanned
No readings while asleep
No readings while asleep

Readings at every moment, even while sleeping

Can miss spikes between readings

Measures average levels over time, not spikes

Measures trends over the past 8 hours

Finger prick

Blood test

Painless device on skin, 1-sec scan

Blood extraction necessary

Blood extraction necessary

Blood extraction not necessary

Not usually discreet

Not discreet; completed at doctor's office

Discreet and can easily be done in public

* Glucose Monitoring Device

All about your Ripple™ provided glucose monitoring device

It’s normal to have some questions about your new glucose monitoring device before you agree to use it. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about this monitoring system along with up-to-date and accurate answers.

How does my Ripple™ provided glucose monitoring device work?


Your glucose monitoring device reads your blood glucose levels through a small patch that you’ll wear on the back of your arm. The patch has a tiny sensor that’s placed underneath your skin. The sensor continuously reads your blood glucose levels.


You can access the information at any time by quickly scanning your phone over the sensor.

Does the glucose monitoring device hurt?


The glucose monitoring device’s sensor patch is small, and doesn’t cause any pain. At most, you may feel slight discomfort when it’s first placed. After the 14 days are over, simply peel off your patch.

How can I read my glucose monitoring results?


All you need to do to read your results is to quickly scan your phone for one second over your sensory patch. The readings will give you your current blood sugar levels, as well as the trends in your blood sugar over the past several hours.


The ideal blood glucose levels for someone with diabetes are between 50 and 150 mg/dL. 

When your glucose monitoring device alerts you to a blood sugar spike, you can take action to manage it. You can also figure out, in the moment, what may have led to the spike, and how your food and movement choices impact your blood sugar. With this information, you can take steps to start living well with diabetes.

Will my glucose monitoring device get in the way of my daily life?


Your Ripple™ provided glucose monitoring sensor patch is painless and comfortable. It should not get in the way of your daily activities. It stays on your skin, even while you shower or sweat through a workout.

Ready to get started?

Say goodbye to troublesome finger-prick tests! Measuring your blood sugar can be as simple as a one-second scan. 

Talk to your Ripple™ Coach about getting your own glucose monitoring device. They can answer any questions you have and help you set up your device.

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